国際芸術展 documentafifteen がいよいよ開幕



国際芸術展 documentafifteen がいよいよ開幕です。
CINEMA CARAVAN & 栗林隆は、カッセルの町に一ヶ月滞在し、移動式野外映画館と元気炉をつくりました。

The screen will light up from tonight.

The international art exhibition
@documentafifteen begin today.
CINEMA CARAVAN & Takashi Kuribayashi @takashikuri stayed in Kassel for a month and built a mobile cinema and a #GENKIRO.
We will create a space where we can freely move around and share a good time in Kassel where artist collectives gather from all over the world and various works are exhibited.
Danke to the Documenta staff, friends of Kassel, and all our friends and family in Japan!

100days journey begins at the beautiful Aue Park.
See you in Kassel!

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